A few years now past since I blogged about a publication to guide students around the Visual Diary. Since then, that publication, the Visual Diary Guide, has been published twice and already sold quite well through secondary schools booklisting system.…
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Spoke at the AEV Conference Rethinking the Familiar in a session called Rethinking the Familiar – Visual Diaries. Coming after the release of the Visual Diary Guide, this session had a lot more focus on the role of the Visual Diary in the…
Project Rationale I am working on a publication on the use of Visual Diaries for both the class room and personal use. A Visual Diary is a collection of all the visual thinking around the development of an idea. …
Visual Diaries are creativity tools. You can capture images that are important to you. Generate your own ideas and see a theme grow into a body of work and you can develop your own style of work. At the AEV…
“Congratulations to the 2 deserving winners of the Hydrocryl Painters Awards at the Chapel St Precinct Art Town Exhibition opening last night! They will each be able to stock their studios now with loads of goodies!!! Two worthy winners!Hilary Senhanli…
The opening was last night 18th April at chapel on Chapel gallery.I was awarded the Hydrocryl Painters Award for my entry.
“The Chapel St Precinct and ART-Town- sponsors are offering $4000 worth of Visual Arts Awards to Artists who participate in the 2013 Tastes of Chapel Festival -ART-Town Competition”. “The ART-Town project invites artists to create a work of art in…
Cool groovy scene down at the Kingston City Hall where I was “Event capturing” onsite with my easel, pencils and paper. This work is the result. The City of Kingston, Melbourne Australia are reinvigerating their City Hall back the the…
According to Mark Parfitt, an Artist and University lecturer, (Visual Diaries) “…allow all kinds of learners to nurture creativity.” He says they provide”…a sense of identity, cultural perspective and desirable thinking skills.” As a practicing artist I have been using…